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Pick up from Nouakchott airport and drive to your hotel.

After breakfast at 8:00, we will start the transfert to Chinguetti. We will have a stop in Akjoujit (260 km, about 3:00 hours driving) around 11:30. Then we will drive till Atar (180 km, 2:15 driving), the capital of the Adrar region, where we can relax a bit and have our lunch. After lunch we will visit Azoui site, visit Atar old mosque, the Market and Twizgt Museum.


Streets of Atar


After breakfast, we will enter the pink-brown sandstones canyon who leads to Amojjar pass, then we will proceed to Chinguetti (86 km, 1:30 hours) where we will arrive in the afternoon. We will have a relax after a long transfer but will be ready to go out again to visit Abier and enjoy sunset among big sand dunes near the city, before reaching our hotel for dinner. Night in Chinguetti.



DAY 3 

We will visit both the New and Old Town of Chinguetti and one of the historical libraries that made this city designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In the late afternoon we will have a 2 hours camel ride before coming back to the hotel. Night in Chinguetti.


Ancient library in Chinguetti


Today we will drive east and, on the road to Ouadane (90 km, 2:00 hours) we will have a refreshing stop in Tanouchert enjoying a tea with local people. We will reach Oudane, another city considered a World Heritage Site, in time for our lunch. In the afternoon we will discover the fascinating ruins and the small modern settlement outside its gates. Dinner and night in Oudane (if you prefer, it's possible to spend the night in Tanouchert hosted by a nomad family).


A narrow street in Ouadane


We will reach the so called "Eye of the Sahara" (Richat Structure) where we can take photo and video by the drone, then we will come back to Ouadane. Coming back to the West, we will stop to have a deep look at the Agrour rock paintings and to visit Mheirith oasis, surrounded by mountains. We will reach Terjit around 15:00 for the lunch and some relax. In the late afternoon we will visit this beautiful oasis and its famous spring. Dinner and night in Terjit.


Terjit Oasis


After breakfast, we will reach the remote village of Toungad and will enjoy the untouched atmosphere of a traditional Sahara settlement. Later we will cross the beautiful White Valley and the scenic landscapes of Tifoujar Pass, before reaching Atar for lunch. Free afternoon for relax or visit the city. Dinner and night in Atar.


Tifoujar pass


Long transfer to Zouerat where we will visit the local market and we will try to arrange a visit to the huge SNIM iron mines. We will have lunch in the city and later will get info about the famous iron ore train, the longest train of the world. We will try to take it and, while you are on the train for one of the most thrilling travel experiences, we will reach Choum where we will arrange the camp. Dinner and night in Choum.


Iron ore train


After breakfast, we will drive in the desert to reach, around 10:30, the Ben Amira rocky monolith and the surrounding modern sculptures. We will have lunch there before starting a long trip back to che coast. In the afternoon we will reach Nouadhibou. Dinner and night in Nouadhibou.


Ben Amire monolith


Full day dedicated to the city of Nouadhibou, final landing of the iron ore train and major fishing harbour of the country. We will visit the beaches and cliffs of Cap Blanc and its stranded vessels, the lively fish market and the Museum.


Cap Blanc

DAY 10

Today we will visit the beautiful Banc d'Arguin National Park - UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to migratory birds as flamingoes, pelicans and other. After breakfast we will drive for about 3 hours to reach the city of Iouik where will check in the local campsite. We will have lunch before visiting the national park. In the evening we will visit this quiet coastal village.


Banc d'Arguin N.P. landscape

DAY 11

After breakfast we will take the boat to visit the Banc d'Arguin national park. When we come back we will take the lunch in Iouik and then we will drive for about 3 hours to reach Nouakchott.


Saudi Mosque, Nouakchott

DAY 12

Full day dedicated to Nouakchott. We will visit the camel market, the National Museum, the  big Saudi Mosque, the craft market and the lively fish market, where you will have great photo opportunities. Dinner and night in Nouakchott.

Drive to the airport according to your come back flight.

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